
Congenital Heart Disease
Transition Resources

Healthy Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)

Healthy CHD is a training module that helps you and your parents smoothly transition from pediatric to adult CHD health care.

"Health is a big part of being happy." –Taylor Swift

Facts about transitioning to adult CHD care

  • Roughly half of all pediatric and teen CHD patients fail to transition to adult cardiology care. Not having continued medical care can lead to more advanced health complications, emotional stress, and increased financial expenses.
  • If you need cardiology care after a lapse in care, you are more likely to require urgent interventions, surgical procedures, and have other cardiac-related medical conditions. Your hospital admissions through the Emergency Department may increase if you have lapses in care.
  • For many patients with CHD, transitioning to an adult cardiologist can be difficult. Among the reasons for this are difficulties with health insurance, negative experiences in adult care, lack of available and local qualified specialty physicians, or lack of patient education about their condition and the need for long-term routine follow-up care.
  • The age group that most frequently drops out of medical care is 19-20-year-olds. Common reasons include "feeling well" or being unaware of the need for the continued follow-up.


This educational module was made possible with a generous gift from Marcia Taylor and the Taylor Family Foundation. Content development was supported by a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, award number CDC-RFA-DD15-1506, with the development undertaken by Emory University School of Nursing, Emory University School of Medicine, and Rollins School of Public Health.

The purpose of this module is to provide clear information to assist teens and their families as they transition to adult care and move to a greater state of independence. The content was informed by current literature, clinical experience, a formalized parent survey, our CHD community advisory committee, and the CDC.

While the information provided is based upon the latest research and best clinical practice, all recommendations should be checked by your cardiologist – they are the experts in your specific diagnosis and care.

Request an Appointment
To request an appointment, please call 404-778-7777.